Some C/Ps will nominate an agent that you might not be fond of or have had a bad experience with in the past. We stand ready to serve as your protective agents, nominating the charterer’s agent on your behalf while ensuring your interests are being fully upheld and protected at all times.
Have peace of mind knowing Alaska Maritime Agencies is by your side, keeping the agent-of-record upfront and honest. Charterer’s nominated agents often place the interests of the charterers, shippers, suppliers, or receivers, ahead of their obligations to the carrier. This means that certain variable expenses or laytime matters may not be reduced or minimized to the fullest extent possible - often times entirely unbeknownst to the vessel operator. This problem compounds with operators who are unfamiliar with the port or the players involved and the various tactics employed. Trust us when we say we've seen it all, and are keen to put our experience to good work for you.
Protective agency appointments are all too often seen as an additional, unnecessary port cost, and are often the first thing to go when operators look to cut costs. The truth is that our protective agency fee has paid for itself many times over during our tenure in the form of reduced expenditures, more favorable laytime outcomes, or additional freight in supervising the end of cargo operations to ensure maximum lift. Although we cannot guarantee savings on every port call, in an industry such as this where the stakes are high and the costs are higher, history has shown that having a non-conflicted partner who is solely watching out for your interests, more than pays for itself in the long-run.
Let us be your extra eyes and ears and never pay more than you have to. Appoint Alaska Maritime Agencies as your OPA today!
Please contact Andrew Mew or Tom Rueter for questions or comments related to protective agency services.